Sunday, October 31, 2010

Maybe you're not a hypochondriac . . .

I haven't posted on my blog in almost a year, and I'm STILL too lazy to do anything more than this. It really made me laugh, though.


Megan said...

Nice! Well, now that you've broken the ice again here, maybe you could ease your way back into blogging with some pics of your family's Halloween costumes. And then perhaps an update as to where you are now and what you've been up to. ;) Call it a dress rehearsal for the Christmas card. =D

Jami said...

Megan, you're so great! I love that you haven't given up on me and my apparent inability to keep up a blog for longer than a few weeks at a time. I'll make an attempt to post something else this week. Just because of you and your undying loyalty!