Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Confessions

So, there comes a point on Halloween when you just have to say to yourself, "Okay, I'll save the rest of the candy for the trick-or-treaters."

"Well, one more is not going to make much difference."

[Fishing through the bowl for another Twix.]

"Kids don't really appreciate chocolate anyway."

"Are you telling me some kid isn't going to have enough candy if I don't have any Twix left in this bowl when he gets here?"

[Rifling through the bowl a few minutes later.]

"Hey, did I see some Peanut M&M's left in there?"

"Well, the candy really goes on sale the day of Halloween, so if I have to go grab a couple more bags from the store, I'm really saving money."

[Surreptitiously stashing some wrappers at the bottom of the garbage can.]

"Weird. I could have sworn there were more Milky Way bars in this bowl. Huh."

[Casually] "Uh, what time do those trick-or-treaters start coming around?"

And finally, the annual promise to self: "Seriously, next year I am NOT opening any bags of candy until right before the trick-or-treating starts! I mean it this time."


Jamie said...

I thought I was the only one...

Amanda said...

What about this: I bought two bags of candy for trick or treaters, confiscated my kids' haul from the trunk or treat and then refused to turn my light on to hand any out to trick or treaters! (In all fairness, kids in our neighborhood don't wear costumes and I feel strongly that if you can't dress in costume, I don't give you candy.) Then I wait for the kids to go to bed and eat the candy myself.

(Someone else in my house has a similar idea. I found three Kit Kat wrappers under the couch cushions...)

Jami said...

I don't know what either of you two are talking about. This was a totally hypothetical scenario I was writing about . . .

(But Amanda, that's hilarious. I'll have to re-think my strategy.)

Jenni Coberly said...

Do as I dum dums and tootsie rolls. That way I'm not even tempted to eat them. Yes, I'm the lame house with the dum dums and tootsie rolls, but what do I care. I don't know any of them anyway.

That has always been my strategy, but the past two years we have gone to friends homes so I just turn off our lights and I don't have to buy any candy. The hard thing for me is after my kids go trick or treating and there are like 50 Baby Ruth and Twix starring up at me just begging for me to eat them. What's a girl gonna do?

Julie Barney said...

Jami, it's Julie Staheli. I love your list. It is so me, and exactly why my pant size will never be a single number again!

Amanda said...

That is exactly why I chose not to hand out treats this year. I was the loser house that passed out prizes instead.

Bliss Sorority (XX) - Flagstaff Chapter said...

I feel like I'm at a meeting of Chocoholics Anonymous. My position is (and I guess I don't have a very discriminating palate) that sugar is sugar. If it has to come in the form of a Tootsie Roll, so be it. Apparently, some of the near-teens that came trick-or-treating don't share my philosophy. One actually looked in his bag and said, "dum dums?! I don't want that." Then he tried to reach in the bowl and grab out what he DID, in fact, want. I said, "I don't think so! You can not choose your own candy!" I hope we don't get egged.

Jami said...

Kristy, I am SO with you on that one. A couple of years I even bought crappy candy for the older kids who came around with little or no costume, and only gave out the good stuff to the little kids.

I guess I should really do what Amanda and Jenni do and ONLY buy the crappy candy. My kids' candy is already down to that, and I've had to forage for something (anything) chocolate in a sea of smarties and Jolly Ranchers. I'm going through Halloween withdrawal right now.

Megan said...

My husband bought the Trunk or Treat candy (the good chocolate) and gave it all away w/o saving any for me. Now he gives me the evil eye when I sneak into my kids' stashes. Next year I'M buying the dumdums & tootsie rolls to give away and a bag of sale-priced Twix just for me to eat. (Esp since next year my kids will prob be old enough to tell that their loot is getting mysteriously smaller.)
I'm glad I'm not the only one! :D

Ridge the awesome one said...

So, I thought I was such a smart shopper buying the 105 piece bag of hershey every good candy. two of them in fact because I had a halloween party at school to do and I figured I would really run out before Halloween night was over right? Wrong. Now it calls my name wherever I am in the house. Why is it that when you eat a little single serve ( okay, five) it doesn't seem like you're really eating a whole candy bar? ( or twelve) Save me from my self!!!!!! dum dums and tootsie rolls? who would go to their house? (kidding jen, it's probably a good idea I'll never use)

Ridge the awesome one said...

oops! I didn't realize I was signed in under Ridge's name! it's really me the awesome. aka your favorite sister