Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Free for All: I'm Sorry

FFA Topic of the Week: Write a letter to someone apologizing for something you're not really sorry for.

Dear Kevin,

I’m really sorry about that yard sale that my sister, Jenni, and I put in front of your house back in college. That must have been really frustrating to see a “Welcome to Kevin Okleberry’s Wild World of Western Wear Yard Sale!” sign on your front lawn, when clearly you had no intention of holding a yard sale that Saturday morning.

I just hope you can forgive us for gathering up all our old clothes, unwanted boots, hats, puzzles, and whatever else we could find (including Jenni’s little brother’s underoos on which Jenni wrote “Lil’ Buckaroos”) and dumping them all in your yard or hanging them from the trees and bushes. We really should have just taken them to D.I. like they were originally intended.

I especially feel bad about the people who started knocking on your door early that morning, waking you up to ask you how much things were, and trying to give you a quarter for a pair of old jeans. I’m guessing you didn’t appreciate that since you’d been up late working the night before.

And it probably didn’t help matters that we put signs up on University Avenue directing people to your home and advertising the yard sale starting at 6:00 AM. We heard you got quite the crowd.

So, sorry about all that. But hey, no hard feelings, huh?



Peggy said...

Note to self: Stay on Jami's good side.

Jenni said...

Now, I vividly remember yard saleing someone's house with you in the Jenni you're referring to me? Or did you do this more than once?

Man, that was a riot. Still the best practical joke ever.

Bliss Sorority (XX) - Flagstaff Chapter said...

I remember when you first told me about this. I have been laughing ever since.
Remember one january when some of Joey's friends(?) gathered up all of the discarded christmas trees they could find and put them on our front yard to turn it into a Christmas tree lot. Hilarious, I don't care what Dad says

Laurie said...

Hahahahaha... Jami, that is AWESOME! I've heard of people doing this, but I've never actually known someone who did it. You're like a celebrity. Or something. At any rate, I'm laughing out loud... LOVE IT!

Jami said...

Jen, of course it was you! How could you forget the Lil' Buckaroos? One of our finer moments, I would say.

Jami said...

And Cody, yeah, I think we definitely appreciated the Christmas Tree Lot more than Dad did (I can still hear him cursing about that one). I think that both Joey and Nic's friends were a lot more creative than any of ours ever were.

Lindsay said...

That is awesome!! I wish I would have thought of it myself--there are certainly some people I would have loved to use it on, back when I had less of a conscience.

Bliss Sorority (XX) - Flagstaff Chapter said...

Oh that is so hilarious. You know what I would really love? A secret video of that experience with Ellis doing voice over narration. Priceless!

joey said...

Oh my, this really takes me back to the good ol days! I'd like to add my memories to the event: first, Kevin's complete phobia of anything country western. ( he used to make me take any tables where the people looked remotely red-neck - while waiting tables at village inn that is)second, on my way to school the next morning I stopped by to see if anyone was shopping there, and sure enough several people there one in particular comes to mind; large polynesian women wearing your old purple and white easter shawl walking up the stairs to the front door where we had put a sign that said "walk in to pay". Third, the fact that I was always on his case because neither he nor his roomates ever felt it necessary to lock the doors, even at night. (some might say he was asking for it!)

Bliss Sorority (XX) - Flagstaff Chapter said...

I'm so glad Joey added her memories to the experience. Oh to have spent some single days with you all, I'm waaaay to inhibited with those things. Cody needs some good harassing once in a while. Ideas?

Jami said...

Oh, man! How could I have forgotten those key details?? Especially the sign about walking in to pay?

And Kristy, we'll talk. I think Joey and I can set you up with some ideas . . .