Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some days deserve ice cream, right?

I left the house today without making my bed, and it really, really bothered me. I started worrying that I may have OCD tendencies. Then I realized that the rest of the house was a mess, and that didn’t seem to trouble me too much. The problem was that I was late getting to Larrin’s school for her awards assembly. After dashing madly around the house, grabbing a kid here and there to make sure she had a clean face, or at least shoes on, I started herding them all out to the car.

When I went to put my own shoes on, though, I found I didn’t have any clean black socks. So what the heck, I was in a rush, so I just threw on a pair of my 7-year-old’s that happened to be sitting on my dresser. Of course, I forgot my camera in the process, but it was really hard to focus on anything else when I still had wet hair and socks sliding down my ankles (no, they weren’t meant to be ankle socks).

At the assembly as I watched all the smug, well-prepared parents (who were probably not wearing their children’s socks) jog up to the stage to take pictures of their award-winning children, I felt a twinge of guilt. No camera. But at least my hair was starting to dry. So when Larrin ran back to me and asked if we could go out for ice cream today to celebrate her awards, no can blame me for saying “Sure, we can.” Right?

I think we could all use some cookies and cream right now.


Amanda said...

I was totally laughing at that post. I love that you wore your 7 year old's socks. I can actually picture it. I also love that you called all the other parents smug. You're too funny.

Sometimes we just need a little healing, and most of the time ice cream works perfectly!

Jenni said...

Be proud. You're raising a child who knew that ice cream was more important than the camera. Good mommi.

Jami said...

Yes, I was wondering what that whole day said about my parenting skills . . .

Jenni Coberly said...

I have to make my bed everyday. I figure if the bed is made and the sick is empty then the house is almost clean. (I clean the rest of course, but those two things are a must everyday).

Also, ALL days deserve icecream!

Aly said...

Hey Jami- It was good to hear from you. I am so happy we can stay in touch through our blogs! Your girls are getting so grown-up and beautiful as ever! Aly

Lees Everything Homemade said...

Your daughter will remember the ice cream before she ever remembers you brought the camera! It seems your "blunder" is actually part of the fast track to perfect parenting. As for the bed and socks...there's still time for improvement!

Seriously, though, the socks were pretty darn funny.

Jami said...

Jen, I agree. If the beds are made and the dishes are done, the rest of the mess is a lot easier to ignore. At least things feel like they're kind of clean.