Sunday, January 4, 2009

Anyone need a drummer?

Okay, let's get something straight here. I am not a gamer. Never have been. Never even wanted to be. Remember when Nintendo first came out? My best friend had one, and I was never more bored than when she wanted to play Mario or some games involving a big gorilla or Mike Tyson (could have been the same game; I'm not sure).

And I've always been pretty certain that I would never want to have any kind of gaming system in my house. Seems like a big waste of time, you know?

So fast-forward to last night when our neighbor invited us over to play Rock Band. Then fast-forward to 5 hours later when we had to tear ourselves away because it was 2:30 in the morning, and we felt guilty for keeping them up so late.

All I can say is, I think I've found my new calling. I'm just looking for a band who needs a slightly inexperienced drummer, and I'll go on the road right now. Either that, or we're going to have to buy our own game because I'm so hooked that I was tempted to sneak over to my neighbor's house during Sunday School today to get in a little practice.

Oh, and I'm thinking of dying my hair bright pink . . .


Jenni said...

Will you let me know when you get your Rock Band set so we can come over and keep you up until 2:30?!

Steph said...

Great!! I cannot do the drum... well that and I do not have Rock Band but I love to play BASS!!

Em said...

We discovered the Guitar hero that my sister-n-law has, and it is awesome and addicting!!! =0) Rock on!!!